. . . .Associates. . . .

Richard Welch, SRPA, SRA
General Certified Appraiser & Consultant
Direct line (206) 838-1248
[email protected]

Mr. Welch has 25 years of appraisal valuation experience. He has appraised various property types for fair market value, mortgage loan value, estate valuation, condemnation, easement rights and partial acquisitions in the states of Washington, California, and Ohio. He has been a Washington State Certified General Appraiser since 1994. He is a member of the Appraisal Institute, and has held his SRA designation since 1989 and SRPA since 1990. He has also been a member of the International Right of Way Association since 2003 and is the former 1992 Chapter President of the Appraisal Institute of the Long Beach-South Bay Chapter.

Mr. Welch has been a Real Estate Appraiser with Lamb Hanson Lamb Appraisal Associates, Inc. since 2004 and has owned and operated Rick Welch Appraisal since 1997.

He is a graduate of University of Akron and has a Bachelor of Arts in Fine and Applied Arts. His professional education includes numerous education seminars offered by the Society of Real Estate Appraisers (SREA), Appraisal Institute (AI) and International Right of Way Association (IR/WA), 1976 to present. He successfully completed the Society of Real Estate Appraisers courses Principles (1977) and Capitalization (1985) and the WDOT exam and included on their approved appraiser list.


  1. https://www.casalmarefavignana.com/
  2. https://www.rosendalechamber.org/
  3. https://www.dongmenhotel.com/
  4. https://www.bishopscorner.org/
  5. https://www.bishopsearchnj.org/
  6. https://www.vanuatubucketlist.com/
  7. https://www.altowassociation.org/
  8. https://www.missymclamb.com/
  9. https://www.pattersonvetrichmond.com/
  10. https://www.training-evolution.com/
  11. https://www.anamoralesflamenco.com/
  12. https://www.islandspirityoga.com/
  13. https://www.igeo2021.org/
  14. https://hotel-loupeyrol-dordogne.com/
  15. https://puravida-ibiza.com/
  16. https://csl-unbc.org/
  17. https://lambhansonlamb.com/
  18. https://feelmagi.com/
  19. DATA HK