In Focus: Donna Jensen

“The Nobility of Sticking With It”

Donna Jensen is refreshingly consistent in an era marked by increasing career shifting and workplace ambiguity. She has been a team member at Lamb Hanson Lamb since 2004 and is a Washington State Certified General Appraiser. While talking to Donna, it becomes quickly apparent she enjoys commercial appraisal and working with the Lamb Hanson Lamb family.

Donna is well-established as an expert on commercial properties including retail, mixed use, and office, though multi-family (such as apartment complexes) are her bread and butter. Specializing in King County, Donna appreciates the robust county parcel and assessor resources which allow her to accomplish analysis with greater efficiency. She characterizes Seattle’s home county as a “good, strong, growing market” which didn’t lag to the extent of the rest of the nation during the financial downturn of 2008. Nowadays, appraisal demands and the corresponding market conditions in King County are red hot. Having seen the “full indication of the market swings,” Donna adds a self-deprecating footnote: the market “should’ve driven me to buy a few condos in 2010” but the privilege of putting children through college made the other choice easy to turn down. She notes that multi-family units have shown surprising durability and growth in recent years.

Variety, efficiency, and an enjoyment of the appraisal process are all things that keep Donna working with a bounce in her step. She enjoys having the freedom to perform real estate valuation in a way that is intuitive to her process as a senior appraiser. Donna is introspective when looking back over the past decade at Lamb Hanson Lamb. “The time has flown by” she says reflectively, and with a smile. “Indeed.”